• Pitch a Challenge

    Got a fun suggestion for a Challenge? Tell us your idea through this form and you could be chosen as a host! 🌟

    Things to keep in mind:

    • If we choose your idea, we will reach out through the email you enter on this form, as well as through ZooChat (provided your ZooChat is open).
    • For holiday-themed events or Challenges centered around specific dates, please make sure to submit your ideas at least 2 weeks in advance.
    • You can submit as many Challenge ideas as you would like! We keep all suggestions on file so you never know when your theme might be chosen.

  • Please enter your Zoo profile username and double check for errors.
  • Please enter the email address that you would like for The Zoo to use should we contact you about hosting this event.
  • Enter the name you would like to use for your Challenge (20 characters or less). Try to choose a unique name that has not already been used for a previous Challenge.
  • Please write a short description about the event that would accompany your Challenge.
  • Please share 2 to 5 photo options for the banner image. These photos should show your pet(s) following the theme of your Challenge as an example for others. Make sure these photos are clear, bright, and as high quality as possible. The Zoo will choose which photo to use based on the size, quality, and formatting of our Challenge banners. The Zoo may also lightly edit your photos to ensure they fit within the ratio of our banner and thumbnail images.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 100 MB, Max. files: 5.
    • User-hosted Challenges can last anywhere from 1 day to 5 days. If you would like to host a single-day Challenge, let us know which day of the week you would like your Challenge to be scheduled.
    • Please tell us what kinds of pictures and videos you are hoping users will post. This is only for our internal review to help us understand your idea better!
    • Please check the box next to each statement to confirm you have read it and agree.
    • By submitting this form, you are agreeing to The Zoo's Community Guidelines, Terms & Conditions, and Privacy Policy.

      This form may take several seconds to process. If you do not see the "Thank You" message once the form has submitted, please check your form for errors and re-submit.